For many years Ptarmigan Arts and the Pender Island School have partnered to provide arts education in the classrooms and after school. In 2019 thanks to a generous Art Starts grant, we were able to expand that program to include the outer island schools on Mayne, Galiano and Saturna Islands as well as the ȽÁU, WELṈEW̱ tribal school.

Providing low-barrier arts education has a high impact on the students and communities but heavily relies on funding and private donations, especially with the extra logistics of travelling to remote island communities.

Consider making a donation to help us continue this program throughout the year.

Image of a group of young people in goofy poses in the Pender Elementary School.
Image of a group of young people sitting in chairs playing improv games., with black curtains in the background.
Image of a group of young people, those in the front kneeling, and those in the background sitting on each others shoulders.

2023/2024 Artists in the School Programs

Pender Island School

After School 1-Minute Film Challenge with Rutger Kamphuis

After School Sketching with Wendy Gardner

Mayne, Saturna & Galiano Schools

Music classes with Ben McConchie