Tues-Sun 11 am-3 pm
Closed Mondays
Upcoming Open Calls Found Here
Documents for Artists:
Artist Agreement (Please note, you do not need to submit a new agreement each show)
We use online submission forms that are unique to each show. Please check our open call page for a link to the form or contact us at gallery@ptarmiganarts.org for the correct link.
Documents for Curators
Volunteer Curator Engagement Agreement
Show details (for curators who have been awarded a show)
Our volunteer Gallery Associates spend two afternoons per month in our beautiful Hope Bay Gallery, sharing their love of art with our visitors.
Without our volunteers we wouldn’t be able to direct our profits back into our charitable programs.
Would you like to join our team? Send us an email, or come visit us to learn more.
Contact us
We are located at Hope Bay beside Pender Chocolates.
#3-4301 Bedwell Harbour Rd
Pender Island, BC, V0N 2M1